Document locales
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Document locales
Document locales supported
List of accepted locales for documents (ISO 639-1).
Document language | Code |
German | de |
English | en |
French | fr |
Italian | it |
Norwegian (Bokmål) | nb |
Spanish | es |
Swedish | sv |
How to add a new language
You can contribute to Lago’s open-source project by helping us translate documents. The new language will then be added to the list of supported locales and available to the entire Lago Community.
The document template includes translation keys for:
- Invoices related to subscriptions, add-ons and prepaid credits;
- Credit notes;
- Data formatting (e.g. amounts and dates); and
- Syntax (i.e. sentence structure).
The names of your billable metrics, plans, add-ons, coupons and wallets are defined in the app. There are no keys to translate them.
To add a new language:
- Download the document template to see where each key is located;
- Use the text file below to provide translations for the new language; and
- Send the new text file to, so that we can review it and add it to the codebase.
Thanks for your time and support!
//[AA] format: $4,500.00
format: '%u%n'
decimal_mark: '.'
thousands_separator: ','
//[AB] format: Dec. 01, 2022
default: '%b. %d, %Y'
- Sun
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- Jun
- Jul
- Aug
- Sep
- Oct
- Nov
- Dec
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
- :year
- :month
- :day
[1.1] document_name: "Invoice"
[1.2] document_tax_name: "Tax invoice"
[1.3] invoice_number: "Invoice Number"
[1.4] issue_date: "Issue Date"
[1.5] payment_term: "Net payment term"
[1.6] payment_term_days: "%{net_payment_term} days"
[1.7] bill_from: "From"
[1.8] bill_to: "Bill to"
[1.9] tax_identification_number: "Tax ID: %{tax_identification_number}"
[1.10] due_date: "Due %{date}"
[1.11] item: "Item"
[1.12] unit: "Unit"
[1.13] unit_price: "Unit price"
[1.14] tax_rate: "Tax rate"
[1.15] amount: "Amount"
[1.16] sub_total_without_tax: "Sub total (excl. tax)"
[1.17] tax_name: "%{name} (%{rate}% on %{amount})"
[1.18] sub_total_with_tax: "Sub total (incl. tax)"
[1.19] credit_notes: "Credit Notes"
[1.20] prepaid_credits: "Prepaid credits"
[1.21] total_due: "Total due"
[1.22] powered_by: "Powered by"
[AC] details: "%{resource} details"
[2.1] date_from: "Fees from"
[2.2] date_to: "to"
[AD] subscription_interval: "%{plan_interval} subscription - %{plan_name}"
[2.3] weekly: "Weekly"
[2.4] monthly: "Monthly"
[2.5] quarterly: "Quarterly"
[2.6] yearly: "Yearly"
graduated & graduated percentage:
[2.7] fee_per_unit_for_the_first: "Fee per unit for the first {to}"
[2.8] fee_per_unit_for_the_next: "Fee per unit for the next §{from} to 8{to}"
[2.9] fee_per_unit_for_the_last: "Fee per unit for {from} and above"
[2.10] flat_fee_for_the_first: "Flat fee for first 8{to}"
[2.11] flat_fee_for_the_next "Flat fee for the next {from} to (to}"
[2.12] flat_fee_for_the_last: "Flat fee for {from} and above"
[2.13] sub_total: "Subtotal"
[2.14] fee_prorated: "The fee is prorated on days of usage, the displayed unit price is an average"
[2.15] free_units_for_the_first: "Free units for the first {count}"
[2.16] fee_per_package: "Fee per package"
[2.17] fee_per_package_unit_price: "§{amount} per {package_size}"
[2.18] total_event: "Total event"
[2.19] free_units_per_transaction:
one: "Free units for 1 transaction"
other: "Free units for {count} transactions"
[2.20] percentage_rate_on_amount: "Rate on the amount"
[2.21] fee_per_transaction: "Fixed fee per transaction"
[2.22] adjustment_per_transaction: "Adjustment for min/max per transaction"
[2.23] true_up_metric: "%{metric} • True-up"
[2.24] true_up_details: "Minimum spend of %{min_amount} prorated on days of usage"
[2.25] fee_per_unit: "Fee per unit"
[2.26] flat_fee_for_all_units: "Flat fee for all units"
[2.27] units_prorated_per_period: "Units prorated per second per %{period}"
[2.28] week: "week"
[2.29] month: "month"
[2.30] quarter: "quarter"
[2.31] year: "year"
[2.32] total: "Total"
[3.1] breakdown: "Breakdown"
[3.2] breakdown_of: "Breakdown of %{fee_filter_display_name}"
[3.3] breakdown_for_days: "Used %{breakdown_duration} out of %{breakdown_total_duration} days"
[3.4] notice_prorated: "Regardless of when an event is received, the unit is not prorated, we charge the full price."
[3.5] notice_full: "If a unit is added or removed during the monthly plan, we calculate the prorated price based on the ratio of days remaining or used to the total number of days in the plan. For instance, if 15 days are left in the plan, we multiply the price by 15/31, and if a unit was used for 10 days, we multiply the price by 10/31."
[4.1] prepaid_credits_with_value: "Prepaid credits - %{wallet_name}"
//For invoices with old versions
total_credits_with_value: "Total credits amount: %{credit_amount} credits"
all_subscriptions: "All subscriptions"
all_usage_based_fees: "All consumption fees"
tax: "Taxes"
fees_from_to_date: "Consumption fees from %{from_date} to %{to_date}"
tax_name_with_details: "%{name} (%{rate}%)"
subscription: "Subscription"
sub_total: "Subtotal"
usage_based_fees: "Consumption fees"
list_of_charges: "List of consumption fees from %{from} to %{to}"
see_breakdown: "See breakdown below"
total_unit_interval: "Total number of units: %{events_count} event(s) for %{units}"
total_unit: "Total number of units: %{units}"
amount_with_tax: "Amount (incl. tax)"
amount_without_tax: "Amount (excl. tax)"
[5.1] document_name: "Credit note"
[5.2] credit_note_number: "Credit note number"
[5.3] invoice_number: "Invoice number"
[5.4] issue_date: "Issue date"
[5.5] credit_from: "From"
[5.6] credit_to: "Credit to"
[5.7] tax_identification_number: "ID fiscal: %{tax_identification_number}"
[5.8] refunded_notice: "Refunded on %{issuing_date}"
[5.9] credited_notice: "Credited on customer balance on %{issuing_date}"
[5.10] credited_refunded_notice: "Credited on customer balance and refunded on %{issuing_date}"
[5.11] item: "Item"
[5.12] tax_rate: "Tax rate"
[5.13] amount: "Amount (excl. tax)"
[5.14] subscription: "Subscription"
[5.15] true_up_metric: "%{metric} • True-up"
[5.16] coupon_adjustment: "Coupons"
[5.17] sub_total_without_tax: "Sub total (excl. tax)"
[5.18] tax: "%{name} (%{rate}% on %{amount})"
[5.19] credited_on_customer_balance: "Credited on customer balance"
[5.20] refunded: "Refunded"
[5.21] total: "Total"
[5.22] powered_by: "Powered by"
[6.1] subject: "Your invoice from {organization_name} #%{invoice_number}"
[6.2] invoice_from: "Invoice from %{organization_name}"
[6.3] due_date: "Due %{date}"
[6.4] invoice_number: "Invoice number"
[6.5] issue_date: "Issue date"
[6.6] download: "Download invoice for details"
[6.7] subject: "Your credit note from %{organization_name} #%{credit_note_number}"
[6.8] credit_note_from: "Credit note from %{organization_name}"
[6.9] refunded_notice: "Refunded on %{date}"
[6.10] credited_notice: "Credited on customer balance on %{date}"
[6.11] credited_refunded_notice: "Credited on customer balance and refunded on %{date}"
[6.12] credit_note_number: "Credit note number"
[6.13] invoice_number: "Invoice number"
[6.14] issue_date: "Issue date"
[6.15] download: "Download invoice for details"
[6.98] questions: "Questions? Contact us at"
[6.99] powered_by_lago: "Powered by"
[7.1] powered_by: "Powered by"
[7.2] customer_information: "Customer information"
[7.3] name: "Name"
[7.4] name_not_provided: "Name not provided"
[7.5] legal_name: "Legal name"
[7.6] legal_name_not_provided: "Legal name not provided"
[7.7] legal_number: "Legal number"
[7.8] legal_number_not_provided: "Legal number not provided"
[7.9] tax_id: "Tax ID number"
[7.10] tax_id_not_provided: "Tax ID number not provided"
[7.11] email: "Email"
[7.12] email_not_provided: "Email not provided"
[7.13] address: "Address"
[7.14] address_not_provided: "Address not provided"
[7.15] invoice_history: "Invoice history"
[7.16] invoices_search: "Search invoices"
[7.17] issuing_date: "Issuing date"
[7.18] invoice_number: "Invoice number"
[7.19] amount: "Amount"
[7.20] payment: "Payment "
[7.21] download: "Download PDF"
[7.22] unpaid: "Unpaid"
[7.23] paid: "Paid"
[7.24] invoices_empty_state: "There are currently no invoices attached to this customer. Please check back later, or contact us if you notice any issues."
[7.25] expired_customer_portal_header: "For security reasons, this page has expired"
[7.26] error_customer_portal_header: "Something went wrong token is invalid or has expired"
[7.27] something_went_wrong: "Something went wrong"
[7.28] please_refresh: "Please refresh the page or contact us if the error persists."
[7.29] refresh: "Refresh the page"
[7.30] not_found: "This invoice cannot be found"
[7.31] change_keyword: "Could you enter another keyword?"
[8.1] document_name: "Receipt"
[8.2] receipt_number: "Receipt number"
[8.3] payment_method: "Payment method"
[8.4] paid_on: "Paid on %{date}"
[8.5] remaining_to_pay: "Remaining to pay %{amount}"
[8.6] download_invoice: "Download invoice"
[8.7] download_receipt: "Download receipt"
[8.8] payment_receipt_from: "Payment receipt from %{organization_name}"
[8.9] subject: "Your payment receipt from %{organization_name} #%{payment_receipt_number}"
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