Credit purchases and top-ups

Lago automatically generates an invoice for each purchase. Taxes do not apply to credit purchases, which are considered as advance payments.

Payment must be made in order for credits to be added to the customer’s wallet (i.e. the status of the invoice must be succeeded).

To top up a wallet through the user interface:

  1. Open the “Wallets” tab and click “Edit wallet” on the right;
  2. Select “Top up credit”;
  3. Enter the number of credits to be purchased and/or granted for free; and
  4. Click “Top up credit” to confirm.
Coupons do not apply to credit purchases and top-ups.

Void credits

You can deduct a specific number of credits from the wallet’s balance. Note that this action is instantaneous and cannot be undone.

To top up a wallet through the user interface:

  1. Open the “Wallets” tab and click “Edit wallet” on the right;
  2. Select “Void credits”;
  3. Enter the number of credits to void; and
  4. Click “Void credits” to confirm.

Setup recurring top-ups

When creating or editing a wallet, you have the option to enable recurring top-ups. Two methods for recurring top-ups are available: fixed and target. These can be triggered either based on an interval or a threshold.

Fixed recurring top-up

A fixed recurring top-up allows you to add a predetermined number of credits to your wallet, either for purchasing or gifting.

Target recurring top-up

A target recurring top-up allows you to add a variable amount of credits to your wallet to reach a specific target balance. The top-up amount is determined by the ongoing balance at the trigger moment and the desired target balance.

Interval trigger

For an interval trigger, specify the frequency of the automatic top-up: weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

Once the interval is defined, the system will automatically perform a top-up:

  • Weekly, on the same day each week (e.g., every Monday).
  • Monthly, on the same date each month (e.g., every 2nd of the month).
  • Quarterly, on the same date every three months (e.g., every 2nd of the quarter).
  • Yearly, on the same date every year (e.g., every 2nd of January).

To setup a interval recurring top-up through the user interface:

  1. Create or edit a wallet
  2. Trigger on the option Activate recurring top-up
  3. Select interval as recurring type
  4. Define your interval
  5. Define when the rule should start

Threshold trigger

With a threshold trigger, set a specific number of credits that will trigger an automatic top-up. Lago monitors the ongoing balance, and if it falls below the defined credit threshold, an automatic top-up is initiated.

To setup a interval recurring top-up through the user interface:

  1. Create or edit a wallet
  2. Trigger on the option Activate recurring top-up
  3. Select threshold as recurring type
  4. Define the credits threshold