To create an add-on through the user interface, follow these steps:

  1. Access the “Add-ons” section via the side menu;
  2. Click “Add an add-on”;
  3. Choose a name, a code, and a description (optional) for your add-on;
  4. Define its default value and currency (these values can be overwritten when creating the invoice); and
  5. Click “Add add-on” to confirm.

In the add-ons section, you can edit or delete add-ons by clicking the ellipsis icon. Editing allows you to modify the name, code, description, and settings of the add-on, while deleting removes the add-on from the list (this action cannot be undone). Please note that you cannot edit or delete an add-on that has already been applied to a customer.

To assign an add-on to a customer, you need to create a one-off invoice. Simply select the add-on(s) you wish to apply from the add-ons section while creating the invoice, and the fixed charge will be added to the total amount due.