Payment receipts
Lago automatically generates payment receipts for each payment processed, whether manual or through payment provider integrations.
This feature is available upon request only. Please contact us to get access to this premium feature.
Receipt object
Payment receipts include (but are not limited to):
- Receipt number;
- Payment date;
- Customer information;
- Payment amount;
- Remaining due payment amount;
- Reference to impacted invoices; and
- Fees, taxes and total amount.
You can download receipts or use the receipt object to create your own receipt template.
Multiple receipts per invoice
An invoice can have multiple receipts associated with it, especially in cases where:
- Partial payments are made over time; or
- Manual payments are recorded alongside automatic payments.
This flexibility allows you to accurately track all payments made towards an invoice, maintaining a clear audit trail of the payment history.
For accounting and compliance purposes, Lago maintains the integrity of finalized invoices by never modifying them. Instead, payment receipts track all payment activities and remaining balances.
Downloading receipts
You can download payment receipts directly from the payment details page in the Lago dashboard.
Receipt email notifications
Lago automatically sends email notifications containing the payment receipt and the corresponding invoices to the customer’s email address when a payment is processed. This ensures that your customers have immediate access to their payment documentation and can easily track their payment history.
- Go to Settings in the Lago dashboard;
- Select the Emails tab;
- Find the “Payment receipt” email scenario; and
- Toggle the switch to enable email notifications for payment receipts.
Once enabled, customers will automatically receive an email with their payment receipt and corresponding invoices whenever a payment is processed.
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